From the first to the last, the aim of every course we deliver is to change behaviours and improve results. Delegates enhance their skills and master an array of practical, business-ready techniques which create a real motivation to make immediate and measurable improvements in the workplace.
On-line training has become a major development medium. The facilities available and the delivery platforms have grown exponentially, bringing exciting new flexibility and variety to the way we learn. These new methods marry the participation advantages of face-to-face with the convenience and potential cost savings of on-line delivery.
Effective teamwork is less about having a group of talented people and more about those people understanding where they fit into achieving the team’s purpose over and above the job they do. Achieving this sense of corporate responsibility is not easy when team members are judged on their individual performance.
Coaching is a powerful development medium that accelerates the learning process. The one-to-one discussions between coach and coached enable reflection and reappraisal of situations being faced, and the formulation of practical actions that can be quickly tested. We have achieved considerable success in the field of coaching across a wide range of levels from supervisor to executive.
Often seen as synonymous with coaching, but having distinct features, mentoring aims to assist individuals at key transition points in their career – moving in, moving up, moving out. Our broad range of experience of different industries and how business works in them enables, us to ask the right questions and challenge the answers to move mentees forward in their thinking and planning.
Periodically businesses need to meet in order to take big decisions or forward plan or set a new strategic direction. Whatever the reason, these can be difficult events to manage. A great facilitator from Axiom will help your business achieve successful outcomes to these important meetings in the most effective and timely way.
Businesses face many challenges. Sometimes when your too close it’s hard to see the ‘wood for the trees’. We can act as a fresh, objective pair of eyes in these situations. Using our experience from other sectors as a guide, our external perspective allows us to challenge internal assumptions and cut through procedural barriers. At the right time we’ll help you bring your thoughts and ideas together into a working plan.
A business will stand or fall on the quality of its people. Development plays a major part in improving quality, but it’s also essential that any business gets the right people in and moves the right people up. Poor recruitment or an inappropriate promotion is costly for all. We can help you ensure you get the right people through our Assessment Centre service.
Great design can enhance the message you are trying to send; bad design can destroy it!
At Axiom we have many years of design experience both in structuring the message and its visual presentation. We can work with you to enhance the design of your presentations and training courses to boost their impact and effectiveness.