

Coaching is a powerful development medium that accelerates the learning process. The one-to-one discussions between coach and coached enable reflection and reappraisal of situations being faced, and the formulation of practical actions that can be quickly tested. We have achieved considerable success in the field of coaching across a wide range of levels from supervisor to executive.

For any coaching to be successful it is essential that there is a good relationship between both parties to create the respect, confidence and trust needed for open and honest conversation. Our coaching programmes begin with an introductory session to allow the parties to get to know each other and confirm their belief that they can work together. Additionally, at this time the coach outlines the process that will be followed and agrees some informal ground rules, which are contained within a simple written contract.

Whilst the number of sessions depends on the needs of the individual, we normally start with a programme of 6, one-hour sessions (excluding the introductory session), held at monthly intervals. During that time significant progress is usually seen and a decision is made at month five regarding any extension required. Sessions can be on-line or face to face.  
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